
The Bearded Lady”s Story Was A Whole Lot Sadder

One of the most moving, commanding characters in the film is Lettie Lutz, known as the Bearded Lady. When Barnum is on the hunt for unique acts, people, and curiosities to bring to his American Museum, he first hears Lutz”s singing voice and follows it to a laundry room, where he finds an adult woman with a beard. Though she is reluctant to join Barnum”s show, he manages to convince her. She is one of many so-called freaks in the film, whose outsider status is marked on their bodies.

What Really Happened: Lettie Lutz never existed – Barnum”s famous Bearded Lady was actually a woman by the name of Annie Jones. Barnum didn”t find her in a laundry room, either. She attracted attention when she was born covered in hair in Virginia in 1865. He actually started exhibiting her when she was only one year old. Though Barnum paid her parents $150 a week for the privilege, the young Jones did not get a say in how her body was displayed. She spent her much of her life as an attraction and died when she was only 37, in 1902.

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