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In the wake of the horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 people dead, student and survivor Emma Gonzalez has become an outspoken voice for gun control. This morning she and fellow student David Hogg gave a powerful, provocative interview with CNN that criticized the NRA’s role in the cycle of violence at schools. Gonzalez went so far as to label the NRA “child murderers.” The whole segment is worth watching.

“I’ve been watching Emma Gonzalez videos on repeat the past few days. I am so taken by her badassery and drive and articulation. I truly believe that 2018 is going to be a year where victims of all sorts of oppression and violence and coercion get to call BS and are heard for once,” wrote Meredith Kachel, a Chicago artist, on Facebook. “But then I was watching this video and a dog full on drove a truck behind her. And like, I just believe that this is the most incredible piece of news I’ve ever witnessed. You’re welcome. Florida is insane.”

Here’s a close-up for the doubters.

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Trump sets new record for most typos in one tweet

Trump misspelled “Counsel” three times and got “whether” wrong. And while it isn’t a typo, he included an extra “the”—for four typos and five mistakes in one missive.

While there aren’t official records kept of typos in presidential tweets, since Twitter was not around for the first 43 administrations, it’s a race between Trump and Barack Obama. And Trump is simply blowing him out of the water.

Aside from this tweet, in his first 14 months, the president’s misspelled the word “heal” in back-to-back tweets, has repeatedly messed up the “Counsel” investigating him, botched there/their and to/too, got “aide” wrong, and did whatever “covfefe” is.

And while he’s made one or two before, four in a single tweet is simply unpresidented.

As for the, uh, content of his tweet, which he corrected later, Trump is again claiming the federal investigation into his campaign is unjustified, further eroding the separation of powers this country was founded upon.

Trump Kim summit: Pentagon remains ””ironclad”” after war games cancelled

The Pentagon has reassured allies of its ironclad security commitments, after President Donald Trump cancelled its Korean military exercises.

Mr Trump made the announcement after Tuesday””s historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore.

The move is seen as a big concession to North Korea and appeared to take US allies in the region by surprise.

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The Bearded Lady”s Story Was A Whole Lot Sadder

One of the most moving, commanding characters in the film is Lettie Lutz, known as the Bearded Lady. When Barnum is on the hunt for unique acts, people, and curiosities to bring to his American Museum, he first hears Lutz”s singing voice and follows it to a laundry room, where he finds an adult woman with a beard. Though she is reluctant to join Barnum”s show, he manages to convince her. She is one of many so-called freaks in the film, whose outsider status is marked on their bodies. 

What Really Happened: Lettie Lutz never existed – Barnum”s famous Bearded Lady was actually a woman by the name of Annie Jones. Barnum didn”t find her in a laundry room, either. She attracted attention when she was born covered in hair in Virginia in 1865. He actually started exhibiting her when she was only one year old. Though Barnum paid her parents $150 a week for the privilege, the young Jones did not get a say in how her body was displayed. She spent her much of her life as an attraction and died when she was only 37, in 1902.

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The Bearded Lady”s Story Was A Whole Lot Sadder

One of the most moving, commanding characters in the film is Lettie Lutz, known as the Bearded Lady. When Barnum is on the hunt for unique acts, people, and curiosities to bring to his American Museum, he first hears Lutz”s singing voice and follows it to a laundry room, where he finds an adult woman with a beard. Though she is reluctant to join Barnum”s show, he manages to convince her. She is one of many so-called freaks in the film, whose outsider status is marked on their bodies.

What Really Happened: Lettie Lutz never existed – Barnum”s famous Bearded Lady was actually a woman by the name of Annie Jones. Barnum didn”t find her in a laundry room, either. She attracted attention when she was born covered in hair in Virginia in 1865. He actually started exhibiting her when she was only one year old. Though Barnum paid her parents $150 a week for the privilege, the young Jones did not get a say in how her body was displayed. She spent her much of her life as an attraction and died when she was only 37, in 1902.

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